NYT Crossword June 13, 2024: Answer to Gandhian Form of Protest NYT

Here’s the solution to the “Gandhian form of protest” clue from today’s NYT Crossword puzzle. The answer, which has 5 letters and begins with ‘S’ and ends with ‘N,’ is “SITIN.”

For the June 13, 2024, edition of the NYT Crossword puzzle, the correct answer to the clue “Gandhian form of protest” is “SITIN.” This term, while fitting the crossword, may not perfectly align with the specific forms of protest associated with Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi is best known for his methods of nonviolent resistance, including civil disobedience, fasting, boycotts, and marches, which were all designed to peacefully oppose unjust laws or policies.

While sit-ins have indeed been a significant form of nonviolent protest, particularly in the civil rights movement, they are not exclusively linked to Gandhian practices. Instead, they are part of a broader tradition of peaceful resistance that has been influenced by various movements, including those inspired by Gandhi.

For those looking to solve more crossword puzzles, the NYT Crossword is available both online and through mobile apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

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